The 2023 RSCC Summer Festival of the Arts and Education is scheduled to take place in-person this year again. So we’re looking forward to welcoming you to our campus in Thornhill once again for the Summer Festival. Dates this year are July 10-28. The Summer Festival brochure is now ready, with full course descriptions and bios of the presenters. Click the link below to download it as a pdf.
2023 Summer Festival Brochure -> Click to Download pdf
WEEK-ONE GRADE INTENSIVES FOR GRADES ONE THROUGH EIGHT are designed for those actively involved in grade-specific Waldorf curriculum or who are interested in doing so, i.e., Waldorf teachers, public school teachers, homeschoolers and Waldorf parents wanting to know the curriculum. That said, all the courses are open to whoever is interested, be they parents, administrators, teachers or students.
Vegetarian hot lunches will be available at the nominal cost of $75 a week. If you want to take part in the meals, you will need to pre-order them on the registration form, when you register for your courses.
See summary of courses and registration form link below:
Take Me to the 2023 Summer Festival Registration
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