Professional Development for Waldorf Teachers Part Time Grades
NEW: Deadline for registration for the part-time grades program for 2024 is June 21st.

Professional Development for Waldorf Teachers Part-Time
RSCC’s part-time Waldorf Teacher Education Program is designed for those already teaching in a Waldorf school who want to deepen their knowledge of Waldorf pedagogy while working towards becoming a fully qualified Waldorf teacher.
Course Schedule
Year 1
- Summer Festival: 3 weeks beginning on Sunday in July*
- Autumn and Spring: 11 Individual Mentoring Sessions
- Assignments
Year 2
- Summer Festival: 3 weeks beginning on Sunday in July*
- Autumn and Spring: 11 Individual Mentoring Sessions
- 2 onsite classroom observations
- Assignments
- Research Project
Year 3
- Summer Festival: 3 weeks beginning on Sunday in July*
- Presentation of research project
- Graduation
* For July 3 week schedule, go to Summer Festival of Arts and Education Page.
Mentoring and Observation
Individual mentoring is a key element in our Waldorf professional development program. Each RSCC student teacher is assigned an experienced Waldorf teacher as a professional mentor. Your mentor will be available (by phone and/or in-person) for regular mentoring sessions throughout the training. In addition, the mentor will come for a yearly mentor/observation visit at the Waldorf school where you are teaching to provide consultation, support and feedback. Where observation at your school is not possible, other Waldorf teaching practice wil be arranged by the student teacher.
Rudolf Steiner College Canada is recognized as a full-member teacher education institute of AWSNA (Association of Waldorf Schools of North America). Graduates will receive a Waldorf Teacher Certificate.

Prerequisites for Admission
- Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy Certificate (encounter and distance program available through RSCC)
- Currently a practising teacher in a Waldorf school (letter from employer required). If you are teaching in a non-Waldorf context, you are responsible to make arrangements to teach in a Waldorf school with an experienced and trained Waldorf teacher for a minimum of two weeks each year.
- Veteran teachers may apply for a customized program.
Year 1: $5,800 CAD
Year 2: $5,800 CAD
Year 3: $2,100 CAD
Financial Aid
1. AWSNA Loan/Grant
AWSNA offers financial aid in the form of a loan/grant. The loan is forgiven (becomes a grant) when the graduate completes three years of successful teaching in an AWSNA-recognized school.
Click here for details of the program.
If your school is a member of AWSNA, definitely apply for this loan which turns into a grant, which can be up to $2,000 depending on the number of applicants. This application goes directly to AWSNA.
2. AWSNA Grant for Currently Practicing Teachers
AWSNA also offers financial aid in the form of a grant for those teachers currently working in an AWSNA accredited Waldorf school.
Click here for details of the program.
AWSNA Grant Application for Currently Practicing Teachers
If your school is a member of AWSNA, apply for this grant. Your school will need to provide a letter to AWSNA saying how much they will match: XX Waldorf School will match this grant amount up to xxxx$. Usual amounts are $1,000 to $1,500 – you and your school need to specify the amount. This application goes directly to AWSNA.
3. Vidar Foundation Tuition Loan
Vidar offers limited, no-interest loans to students (Canadian only) to cover tuition and other expenses associated with becoming a Waldorf teacher or Waldorf early childhood teacher through RSCC.
Loans will be secured through community co-signers (‘loan guarantors’) and will be repayable over a five-year period following graduation. Vidar will forgive 10% of your loan after each year of full-time teaching at a Canadian Waldorf School, to a maximum of 3 years and 30% of tuition in the 5 years after graduation. This is in addition to any other tuition assistance or bursaries from other sources.
Vidar Foundation Tuition Loan Program Info
Vidar Foundation Tuition Loan Program Application Form
Your school does not need to be an AWSNA member for you to apply for this loan/grant.
Applications are due by the end of June. (Applications received after this date may be considered if places are still available.)
4. Waldorf Educational Fund Grant
The Waldorf Educational Fund offers financial aid in the form of a grant for students in Waldorf teacher training programs at RSCC.
Application Form for WEF Scholarship 2024
Your school does not need to be an AWSNA member for you to apply for this grant. The grant can be up to $1,000 depending on the number of applicants.
Program Faculty
- Michelle Frank, Toronto Waldorf School
- Patrice Maynard, Director, Waldorf Publications
- Warren Cohen, Toronto Waldorf School
- Reka Borberly, London Waldorf School
- Mary-Lu Spinney, Toronto Waldorf School
- Jessica Gladio, Trillium Waldorf School
- Henry Muth, Trillium Waldorf School
- Carlina Heins, Mulberry Waldorf School
- Nettie Fabrie
- Wim Gottenbus
- Jonathan Snow, Toronto Waldorf School
Program Mentors
- Flora Seul-Jacklein
- Yasmeen Mamdani
- James Brian
- Elyse Pomerantz
- Carlina Heins
- Roberta Ricketts
- Mary Jane Little
- Mary-Lu Spinney

Our programs prepare students for working in Waldorf classrooms.
These programs do not lead to membership with the College of ECEs or the College of Teachers.
© Copyright 2023 RSCC. All Rights Reserved.
This program does not require approval under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005.