Professional Development for Waldorf Early Childhood Teachers
Birth-to-Three Part-Time Program
The first three years of life are the most critical. Children are is totally open towards the world and trust it without filters. They are totally dependent on what and who comes to meet them. Care for these children requires specific training. Research shows that harm done during these foundational years makes a lasting impression. Designing a program that fosters the understanding of these essential needs and develops teachers who are striving to be worthy of this work is our goal.
Our one-year, part-time certificate program is designed for lead early childhood educators and assistants working with children from birth-to-three. This includes childcare providers in centres or home-based care, childcare supervisors/directors, and educators who facilitate parent and child classes or prenatal classes. Graduates of this program have the option of joining year two of our birth-to-seven certificate program.
Summer 2024
Week 1: Sunday 16-21 June, 2024
Week 2: Monday 24-28 June, 2024
Week 3: Monday 1-5 July, 2024
Note that we are in session on both 1 and 4 July.
Fall and Spring Dates to be announced
Prerequisites for Admission
- Currently practising teachers may apply
- Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy Certificate of Course Completion
- Completion of preparatory reading list
- Computer skills and Internet access
Program Overview
Summer Term: 16 day intensive, Fall Term: 6 day intensive, Spring Term: 6 day intensive
This program consists of 305 hours which includes Foundation Studies, five intensive weeks of on-campus classes, assignments and independent projects between terms, guided individual study sessions and group lab demonstrations. In addition, students are required to complete an extensive practicum or internship which takes place in recognized Waldorf nursery, childcare or parent and child classrooms.
On completion of all course requirements, Rudolf Steiner College Canada issues a Certificate of Course Completion in Professional Development for Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher Education Birth-to-Three. In the fall of 2019 WECAN (Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America) established criteria for a recognized birth-to-three certificate. We are one of three institutes that are recognized to grant a certificate for Birth to Three.
Program Highlights
- Anthroposophical understanding of the development of the human being from birth to adulthood based on the research of Rudolf Steiner and other contemporary sources
- Emphasis on the developmental needs of the child from pre-birth to three with insights into how these years lay the foundation for later development
- Development of the inner life of the teacher through biography work, artistic activities, singing, movement, study of the festivals and meditative practice
- Creating a nurturing environment for the child’s life forces to offset the impact of the modern milieu in such areas as nutrition, lifestyle, and media exposure
- Domestic, artistic, and practical activities in the classroom
- Building a strong collaborative community life, working with parents and colleagues
- Classroom management and working with the will of the child
- The Pikler Institute’s research and practice in caregiving and healthy attachment
- Guided independent study, child observation, assigned reading, and individual research
Individual Study Sessions, Lab Workshops, and Check-ins
Due to the low residency of our program we make sure to connect with our students through individual course sessions and group lab workshops. All students have an experienced teacher to guide them. These additional sessions help the students to deepen their understanding of the essentials and identify ways of applying what is learned into their programs. On-site lab workshops demonstrate living examples of how bodily care of the child, practical activities, and the creation of an environment that supports unhindered movement can be incorporated into their own programs. Our directors meet with each student once a term and offer additional support as needed.
Practicums and Internship
Under the guidance of the director each student creates a plan to meet these requirements. Currently practising in-service teachers require a total of three weeks observation and practicum. Pre-service students require a total of five weeks observation and practicum. Full details describing how these requirements are met are included under the course content. All students may complete some of their required practicum and observations after completion of the course work.
Curriculum and Course Content
Anthroposophical Studies and Human Development |
75 Hours* |
Anthroposophical understanding of the human being Evolution of consciousness Karma, destiny and biography work Path of inner development of the adult/educator Life and work of Rudolf Steiner |
65 Hours |
Child development pre-birth to 21 Embryology First three years in the context of a whole lifetime |
Development of movement, speech and thinking Understanding the role of the will |
Importance of healthy attachment as a foundation for relationships |
The Pikler Institute research and practice in infant and toddler motor development and care |
Sensory development with emphasis on the foundational senses Supporting self-directed movement as a primary learning experience for infants, toddlers and nursery ages Importance of free play in connection with imitation and rhythm Integration of the primal reflexes Sleep, health and nutrition Child observation and study Individual study sessions
Practical and Artistic Activities
Creating programs for infants, toddlers, nursery and parent and child Rhythm of the day, week and year The young child’s relationship to festivals and celebrations Indoor and outdoor environments for young children Purposeful work, including daily life activities and care of the environment Speech and gesture, verses, finger games Simple stories and puppetry Singing, music and mood of the fifth Working with mixed-age groups Bodily care of the young child Gardening and working in nature Hygienic and therapeutic approaches Lab workshops . |
68 Hours
Professional and Social Aspects of Waldorf EducationOutreach and advocacy for children Working with parents Working with colleagues Working with diversity and inclusion Basic knowledge of program administration, organization and social transformation . |
26 Hours |
Art, Handwork and Movement for Self Development
65 Hours |
Painting and drawing Handwork and crafts Instrumental Music Puppetry Eurythmy Meditation |
Individual Research Papers and PresentationsIntroduction to research topics and methods Topic approval and draft feedback Research paper presentation in Year II |
6 Hours
305 Total Hours **
*These courses are part of our Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy Encounter 108 hrs or Distance 100 hrs
**Does not include assignments, preparatory reading and practice teaching
Click the button above to complete the application form. Submit it with $100 CAD non-refundable application fee. Click here for Tuition Fees.
Financial Assistance
1. AWSNA Loan/Grant
AWSNA offers financial aid in the form of a loan/grant. The loan is forgiven (becomes a grant) when the graduate completes three years of successful teaching in an AWSNA-recognized school. Applications go directly to AWSNA.
Click here for details of the program.
If your school is a member of AWSNA, definitely apply for this loan which turns into a grant, which can be up to $2,000 depending on the number of applicants.
AWSNA offers financial aid in the form of a grant for those teachers currently working in an AWSNA accredited Waldorf school. Applications go directly to AWSNA
2. AWSNA Grant for Currently Practicing Teachers
AWSNA offers financial aid in the form of a grant for those teachers currently working in an AWSNA accredited Waldorf school. Applications go directly to AWSNA.
Click here for details of the program.
AWSNA Grant Application for Currently Practicing Teachers
If your school is a member of AWSNA, definitely apply for this grant. Your school will need to provide a letter to AWSNA saying how much they will match: XX Waldorf School will match this grant amount up to $xxxx. Usual amounts are $1,000 to $1,500. You and your school need to specify the amount.
3. Vidar Foundation Tuition Loan
Vidar offers limited, no-interest loans to students (Canadian only) to cover tuition and other expenses associated with becoming a Waldorf teacher or Waldorf Early Childhood teacher through RSCC.
Loans will be secured through community co-signers (‘loan guarantors’) and will be repayable over a five-year period following graduation. Vidar will forgive 10% of the loan after each year of full-time teaching at a Canadian Waldorf School, to a maximum of 3 years and 30% of tuition in the 5 years after graduation. This is in addition to any other tuition assistance or bursaries from other sources.
Vidar Foundation Tuition Loan Program Info
Vidar Foundation Tuition Loan Program Application Form
Your school does not need to be an AWSNA member for you to apply for this loan/grant. However, your school must be Canadian.
4. Waldorf Educational Fund Grant
The Waldorf Educational Fund (WEF) offers financial aid in the form of a grant for students in Waldorf teacher training programs at RSCC.
Application Form for WEF Scholarship 2024
Your school does not need to be an AWSNA member for you to apply for this grant. Definitely apply for this grant, which can be up to $1,000 depending on the number of applicants.
5. Cawthra Mulock Foundation Scholarship
Rudolf Steiner College Canada is pleased to announce that a modest amount of additional scholarship support is available for the Professional Development for Waldorf Early Childhood Teachers Part Time Birth-to-Three and Birth-to-Seven programs.
To apply please fill in the scholarship application form found through the link below, and return it to us by 15th June, 2023.
This money will be granted to well qualified applicants who meet all the current admission requirements and can demonstrate their commitment to furthering the mission of Waldorf early childhood education in the world and is not dependent on the status of your school.
Application Form for Cawthra Mulock Foundation Scholarship
Karen Weyler, Director of Early Childhood Teacher Education, is a Registered Early Childhood Educator with 25 years of experience as a Waldorf early childhood teacher, including kindergarten, nursery, parent-and-child classes, home childcare operator, and licensed childcare centre supervisor. She was a founder of the Trillium Waldorf School and of the Star Seedlings Family and Childcare Centre in Guelph. As a teacher educator, she has taught in Canada as well as in China, Nepal and Vietnam. As a true thought leader in the field, she brings deep knowledge of child development and an abiding passion for ensuring children are met with warmth and wisdom through their early years.
This program has been pre-screened with the Ontario Ministry of Trainings, Colleges and Universities and does not require approval under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005.
© Copyright 2021 RSCC All Rights Reserved.

Our programs prepare students for working in Waldorf Early Childhood classrooms.
This program does not lead to membership with the College of ECEs or the College of Teachers.
A special thank you to Logan O’Hearn at Mercurius Canada for the generous donation of resources for our Early Childhood Teacher Education Programs. Phone 807.345.9557 www.mercurius-canada.com

© Copyright 2021 RSCC. All Rights Reserved.
This program does not require approval under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005.