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Host Allan Kuhn talks to the visiting class of RSCC Foundation Studies students, May 2024

This trip gave our Foundation Studies students an opportunity to learn about both the Camphill movement and Biodynamic farming. Students walked through the forest, visited the orchard, green houses and pastures, fed cows and goats. Our host, Allan Kuhn, demonstrated the equipment at the garden shed and explained the seven biodynamic preparations. Students participated in mixing and stirring Valerian preparation, which was later applied on the farm along with other preparations. 

Allan Kuhn is a support worker at Camphill, a biodynamic farmer at Camphill, and also a chair of The Society for Biodynamic Farming and Gardening in Ontario.

Thanks to Mila Chebur for the photos and story.

Tuition Fees for Foundation Studies Encounter will be increasing May 21st. Register before then to save.