We welcome everyone to come out to hear student presentations of the Action Research Projects this week and next. These are the projects of students in the final year of the 3-year Professional Development for Waldorf Grades Teachers Part-Time program.
The first presentation this week will be on Tuesday July 18th at 5 pm in the seminar room at the RSCC Thornhill campus. Agnes Zsigovics (photo above) will present her project on Sustaining Ourselves in Teaching: A Need to Simplify.
This will be followed on Thursday July 19th at 5 pm by a presentation by Clara Hilts on The Review and Renewal of a Waldorf Music Curriculum. Clara (photo below) leads the morning singing at the Summer Festival this year.
Then on Thursday July 20th at 5 pm we will hear from Molly Sullivan on Group Dancing for the Developing Child. On Tuesday July 25th, again at 5 pm, we will have the last presentation in the series with Suzanne Mulowney talking about Bringing a Waldorf Presence through Festivals. All of the presentations will be in the Seminar Room at the RSCC Thornhill campus, 9100 Bathurst Street, Thornhill Ontario.
This series of presentations actually began last week with Martha Cooper talking about Nature Connections in Waldorf Schools last Tuesday July 11th, and Mary Conrod presenting on Nectar of the Night, last Thursday July 13th.
Still Not Too Late to Register for Weeks Two and Three of Summer Festival
Week Two starts Monday July 17th. Week Three starts Monday July 24th. Here’s a link to a page on our website with more information about the course offerings and a link to the online registration form: https://rscc.ca/summerfestival/
You’re Invited to the Graduation on Thursday July 27th
You are invited to the graduation of the Professional Development for Waldorf Grades Teachers Part Time, which will take place on Thursday July 27th at 5 pm in the seminar room. This will be for students completing their third year of part time study. No RSVP necessary. Just show up!
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