Continuing in our series of free talks with Kenneth McAlister around the major festivals of the year, RSCC is happy once again to present Kenneth’s upcoming talk on the festival of Easter, titled “The Interweaving Natural and Spiritual Processes of Easter“. This talk will take place at 9 am on Easter Saturday March 30th. Kenneth describes it as follows:
We will try to develop an understanding of the Easter Mystery in the context of inner and outer seasonal changes. In the second session (after the mid-morning break) we will use the centre/periphery meditation to deepen our experiences of the opportunities Easter presents. See the full poster for this even below:
Anthroposophy in Toronto will also be hosting a public event on Thursday March 28th, an Introduction to Eurythmy, led by CoCo Verspoor at the Waldorf Academy, in downtown Toronto. This event is the latest in a series of their anthroposophical evenings. See details on the poster below.
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