905-764-7570 info@rscc.ca

Week One Has Started – but You can Still Enroll in Weeks 2 & 3

Break time networking with teachers from as far away as Texas, Mexico and New Zealand at the start of Week One.

The RSCC Summer Festival is for teachers and anyone else interested in learning more about Waldorf education. Week 1, which is now underway, is grade intensives for teachers, but courses in weeks 2 and 3 are still open for registration. Enroll online for week two, week three, or both weeks, full-day or half-day, at rscc.ca/summerfestival

WEEK 2 July 17-21: Differentiation and Individualization in Teaching, Art for Humanity’s Sake, Form Drawing, Eurythmy

WEEK 3 July 24-28: Waldorf Essentials, Geography and Maps, Puppet Felting, Veil Painting, Biography, Painting for Grades 4-8

Opening circle, introductions and singing on Monday July 10th.
Relaxing between sessions during the morning break on Monday.
Eurythmy in the afternoon on Monday.
Juggling two balls at a time in circus class.