Rudolf Steiner College Canada is a charitable corporation dedicated to educating future generations of Waldorf teachers and making anthroposophy accessible to a wider public. We are able to continue our work thanks to generous donations from our community of supporters over the years. Like many other charities, the College makes a plea for donations towards the end of the calendar year. We invite you to read this year’s message below and add your voice to our community of support.
If you would like to add your voice to the chorus of support for RSCC, you can make your donation in one of the following three ways:
• Call RSCC at 905-764-7570 and donate over the phone with a credit card
* Donate online through the Canada Helps form on the website
• Mail us a cheque to Rudolf Steiner College Canada, 9100 Bathurst St. #4, Thornhill, Ontario, L4J 8C7
Donate before Dec. 31st and get a donation receipt for the 2023 tax year.
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