Initiative is the fire through which transformation and renewal come into the world. That Good May Become is a festival of initiative in a rural setting an hour north of Winnipeg, near Gimli, Manitoba, Canada.
Near the centre of our North American continent is a place that has been sacred for those who have dwelt here for millennia. Here, under the sky’s great expanse, at the heart of the continent, at “the Forks” in Winnipeg, the north-flowing Red River merges with the Assiniboine River from the West. Indigenous peoples have gathered here for thousands of years, trading and holding ceremonies.
In this area, anthroposophy has been quietly cultivated for many years. Over the last 10 years, there has been an attempt by Monika Pudelko to start a threefold community with biodynamic agriculture, seasonal festivals, Waldorf education, and an organic architecture off-grid building, the “Sophia Earthship.”
The North American festival “That Good May Become” will be held here to support all of these efforts, to bring greater awareness of anthroposophy to this centre point of our continent, and support local initiative holders. The Interlake, an hour north of the Forks, provides a quiet and nearly untouched setting to develop groundbreaking impulses towards the transformation of our cultural, economic, and social life.
This festival of conversation, meditation, and creativity will celebrate what has already been achieved as we look towards our future. We will have speakers and performers, meditative reflections, “Listening” and “Working Together” groups focused on different subjects: biodynamic farming, social threefolding, arts, education, inner schooling, the human heart, a new appreciation of Novalis and Parzival, creating a festival celebration, and more.
A Special Message for Waldorf Schools and Faculties
I have been inspired by Little Lion’s – a group of Waldorf early childhood centers in the small city of Thunder Bay in Western Ontario. Little Lion’s is sending two of their employees to the Anthroposophical gathering in Manitoba in August which we are calling That Good May Become. Little Lion’s has recognized the value of the program that we are offering in terms of opportunities to explore anthroposophy in a broader context.
’m writing to all of the schools in North America to encourage you to consider making the same offer to your faculty, please have a look at our website:
This is a very special event to have the opportunity to attend, there will be explorations from most of the sections – Natural Science, Threefolding, Waldorf education, Medical, biodynamic agriculture, meditation and of course, the arts. In addition, Constanza Kaliks and Peter Selg from the Goetheanum will be joining us.
Please consider enriching your faculty members’ relationship to anthroposophy by offering an opportunity for them to attend this wonderful event.
With warmest regards,
Kim Hunter
On behalf of the planning committee of That Good May Become. A North-American Anthroposophical Festival in celebration of the centenary of the founding of the General Anthroposophical Society
We look forward to meeting and working with you this summer!

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